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Study of 90s culture and its effects on youth

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  • Blotter updated: 09/27/08 Show/Hide Show All

File: 121013103269.gif-(6.89KB, 129x124, famille2-1.gif)
20 No. 20
And we had "Canal Famille". (The famly channel)
What a bunch of failfags.
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>> No. 36
>> No. 160
I remember Radio Enfer LOL
And some other show where kids did spy stuff
>> No. 169
File: 125072033595.jpg-(19.34KB, 275x275, intrepides.jpg)
Spy show was called "Les Intrépides"
>> No. 174
took me a while before I figured out why their mouths never matched what they were saying

the Dungeons and Dragon episode made both Dungeons and Dragons and the show as a whole seem cooler than they typically are
>> No. 180

Lulz. Used to watch that in Frog class.
>> No. 184
too bad you never evolved past your limited pedigree
>> No. 195
File: 125701214197.gif-(7.31KB, 129x124, 121013103269-fixd.gif)
Fix'd it for you OP.

Reminds me of the hooligans who would paint over the C on signs that said canal street.

Good times.

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